About Taiwan, FotoZon and lots of other stuff

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Cabin Fotos Taiwan

Wooden House in Taiwan Another great photo set by Pazza-Studio

This month has been very busy as I install new servers and start up new web sites. What a world we live in! Every day, another project. I hope to hear from all of you and I wish you a very happy and blessed holiday season!

All the Best, Keith

Friday, November 11, 2011

Pazza Studios

Hello All.

That Pazza Studios over in Taiwan is taking some really great shots.

Also, a big shout out to Dennis - the best electrician in Edmonds, WA .



Sunday, March 13, 2011


Getting old is not fun. I've just turned 40 and I'm afraid I might be doing something wrong... Why is life so tough? There's all these trillions of dollars just floating around, why must I work so hard just to get a few thousand of them?

Lately I've been interviewing with some companies to try and find a regular full time job with benefits, and it is probably just as well I didn't get the job with SEOmoz, because their product is a waste of money anyway. Why would I want to work there and try to believe in something that I don't really have my hear into?

Anyway, keeping my hopes up. Tomorrow is another day.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

FotoZon Premium

Cool Apples. Back in the US of A.

We are pleased to present the Fotozon "Premium Foto Pro Websites"! Our first customer Pazza Studio is online and ready as the first demo site. Check out his awesome studio shots including the one on the left there of the apples and bubbles set up.

Be the best.